Sovereign Soul is a small network focused on achieving a level of wealth where working becomes a lifestyle, location a choice, privacy matters and giving back is a necessity.

  • Let’s not kid ourselves, we’re all looking for our tribe. But when free groups get too big, the quality drops, the trust dissipates, accountability evaporates, due diligence fails. Too much noise, not enough signal.

  • Bring the right people together and curate a high quality paid membership community. Learning, earning, coaching and connection. Vetted investments and income opportunities. An online resource centre for store repeated questions, answers and tools.

  • We’ve been doing this a long time running companies, communities, earning income and learning from the best and our own mistakes. We’ve reacted to feedback, what people want and what the world needs. Trial and error has led us to a winning formula

We are now open for new members

As an invite only community, we have been closed for new members since September 2023. We are now pleased to announce we are reopening our doors to a small wave of 25 new members. If you think we are a good fit for what you need in your life now, then we invite you to submit your details and have a call with Daniel or Richard.

The Back Story…

Hello. We’re Daniel and Richard. We found each other as entrepreneurs with curious minds and complementary skill sets at the bottom of a Sake bottle in Tokyo (a story for another time)

We shared a nagging feeling modern life isn’t ‘right’. The game feels rigged in some way just beyond our control. Stuck in a cycle and mindset where there is never quite enough time, money, energy, resources….

We looked to counter-culture alternatives but they saw ‘dirty money’, wealth, as part of the problem.

But we both agreed money is just a tool to create options, where life-changing choices can be made to create an opportunity to decouple from what modern life ‘is’. As our awareness expanded together, we sought richer conversations. People who thought the same - they were out there weren’t they? 

Fast forward 5 years, relinquishing our native residencies, travelling the world with 2 kids, unlearning and unschooling our way through different continents, learning from our first community and all the communities we are part of, from our mistakes, from our wins and from those we found along the way who were on the same wave length as us…we find ourselves here and now.

SOVEREIGN SOULS. We wanted to open up a space for us to learn together, to explore, to play and to come together in community. To support each other as we navigate our own Sovereign Pathway connecting through community and rising as individuals.

For us to transition into this new paradigm solid, grounded and prepared for all that it means to be sovereign. To be in ownership of yourself fully, wholly and completely. With your heart firmly in place to be a force for good and a beacon of light for those who need it most. 

We all have our stories about how we got here. We invite you to write a new story as a Sovereign Soul member. If our plans come together we will share those stories over a cocktail at sunset of a Sovereign life well lived. 

Create wealth.

Create options.

If a picture paints a thousand words…

Then a video would be a book.

Feeling in line with our vibe? We recorded this video to so you could hear it directly from us…

Building something that lasts requires a solid foundation

We find ourselves in times of tumult, uncertainty and volatility.
Only in community can we navigate our way to awareness and more meaningful lives

Sovereign Soul Network
is built on 3 pillars

Real Wealth

  • We developed The Financial Sovereignty Pathway from different modalities, years of personal experience and our own thinking. Sovereign Soul Network’s focus is to help you reach beyond level 7, where cash-generating assets pay for your living costs, acquiring more assets, and choosing how and where to live.

  • Investments to suit your risk, reward and financial position. Curated passive and income income projects with the best returns. Private deals sourced and vetted for the community.

  • The best deals often have barriers to entry with investment levels above $30k to enter. As a community we can collectively undertake due diligence, pool resources, entering deals for the same return but HUGELY reduce our risk exposure.

Sense making

  • Having open discussions and acknowledging opposing views is harder than ever. It’s now more than ever a skill to develop. SSN promotes all views, encourages questioning and supports the skill of learning to retain self energy and decision making in an increasingly polarised world.

  • Conspiracist or realist, the world is experiencing a increase in surveillance on all fronts from the physical to the digital. This erosion of our privacy requires us all to increase our own awareness and skillset to retain our Sovereign Individuality.

  • EQ is a skill. Sensemaking is a skill. And all skills are learnable. SSN is a place where you improve your own sense-making capability. SSN was born out of our Future Leaders group which was first started for the sole reason to “sense make global affairs” as a handful of us saw what was happening around the world pre covid and have a safe place to discuss it.

Giving Back

  • All works and no play makes jack a dull boy. All take and no give makes the world a worse place. We earn, to give. For as long as we give, we will always have enough. SSN not only heavily and strongly promotes giving, it’s weaved into its very fabric.

    10% of all SSN profit, goes towards giving and we encourage all members to top this up as they see fit.

  • Collectively we are looking for THE REAL. People that a member has touched, projects they can personally vouch for who need money and will do deliverable things with it. Where there a less or NO middle men along the way taking their slice. #

  • REAL projects can be hard to find, but not when we are many and we don’t need many projects to make an IMPACT. As a group we can crowd source our wider network, find those entities and organisations who genuinely need support and give, every month.

Financial Sovereignty to Soul Purpose

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Richard and Daniel have over 50 years of business experience,
24 years in Financial Sovereignty and 14 years in blockchain.

They have been running communities together since 2020
having safely held over 400 hours of live group calls
to directly help people in their financial and personal life journey.




Net Promoter Score

9.2 / 10

Mar 2024

9.2 / 10 • Mar 2024 •

Who Do You Want to Do Life with?

It’s never been more important to recognise your network is your net worth. Finance is important. But true wealth is what you have if it ever went away. That’s the power of your connections.
Sovereignty with Soul

How Much & What to expect

Twelve Month SSN membership is USD$4850
$4350 if paid in full month one

Thats $362 a month for all the calls, community access, direct support and resources:


    Twice a year you are invited to a private call, one with Richard and one with Daniel.

    Our members feedback massive shifts that occurred after some of our check-in calls in 2023/24, so we decided to offer these as part of being an SSN member.

    One is around the end of Q1 to ensure you have found your flow since joining and one towards the end of Q3 to ensure you are finishing the year with a bang 🚀


    Once you know where you are on the Pathway, you have some next steps to take. These steps are best taken with people at similar stages. Each ‘Hive Mastermind’ group is guided once a month to share wins, problem solve challenges, build relationships and stay connected.


    The FinSov path goes from Survive>Strive>Thrive. We put the steps in place to ensure you move from Striving to Thriving through monthly calls, courses and coaching.

    Strive calls are also like community town halls, a gathering where we can discuss current affairs, global ongoings and whatever is the flavour of the month, always with an angle of supporting you on your FinSov journey


    Q&A sessions with expert speakers on topics designed to expand your mind and lift you into that THRIVE space, with opportunities for tailored advice and opportunities.

    THRIVE sessions are aspirational, designed to stretch what you think is possible, they occur about 3-4 times a year.


    This is the basis of how we view all financial opportunities.

    Using the established PIP passive income model we curate, structure and organise the best income opportunities that we can find and vet as a community.

    Due to the reach of our network, a variety of real world opportunities aften present themselves which go through the same process.

  • Sovereign Soul has tools and resources to help you make Sovereign, Sovereign and Investment decisions. We constantly update them to reflect new circumstances and models.

  • As part of your on boarding we’ll help identify where you are on the FinSov path to ensure you get the most of your membership, with the right next steps. We’ll orient you to your true North

  • A dedicated space to share everything on your Sovereign journey with your community


As male founders, one of the metrics we wanted to keep an eye on was the split of gender diversity to offer the most balance discourse with the topics we cover

The Crow

Sovereign Soul Network is a new model for a community, defining how Sovereignty sets us apart but binds us together in world that wants to divide us in every way.

The crow was chosen as it is symbolises the ability to see and think and adapt from a higher perspective.

It is said to denote intelligence, observation and intuition, signifying wisdom and urges you to be determined on goals and to stay fearless. 

When in alignment its natural course is true north. The heart at the centre is the deep connection at the core of the community.